Friday, September 14, 2012

What a day in Philippi!

On the road again! It's becoming very clear to us what determination, stamina and faith Paul had in making his journey. Over mountainous terrain, often with a heavy heart because he had to leave beloved friends or had been kicked out, Paul journeyed from city to city with one goal in mind. Preach Christ, be Christ!

We began the day at one of the most famous battle sites...Mark Antony and Octavian defeated Brutis and Cassius. However, the reason we visited this sight was not to commemorate this feat of ego and strength, it was instead to remember the faith and baptism of the first Christian convert in Europe--Lydia. And how from there, the message of the gospel spread. Melissa Maher led us in a devotion to remember our baptism and remember God--the One who began a good work among us--is not through with us yet! We all dipped a small container in the river (very likely the same river used long ago) to gather water and place the sign of the cross on one another.

At the site was a beautiful church. Here are a few pics...

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