Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Patmos adventure

We boarded our chartered ferry at 5:45 am this morning! As the sun rose over the deep blue sea, we crossed from Turkey back into Greece towards the island of Patmos. We are getting quite good at navigating countries and continents. We passed the time by enjoying coffee, playing speed scrabble and doing what we've done now for the last 12 days...relishing the company of one another, the natural beauty of our surroundings and reading scripture.

Our tours took us to a church built on top of a cave where tradition states John received his apocalypse (revelation or unveiling) and his scribe wrote it down. Even if the cave was not the place, it was quite powerful to sit in this cave and listen to the whispers of the walls. It brought to mind for me the cave of 1 Kings 19 when God met Elijah in the cave through a gentle whisper.  From there we drove up the mountain to a beautiful monastery which contained parchment scrolls of scripture...the oldest of their collection was a copy of the Gospel of Mark from nearly 1500 years ago.

We arrived back into port in Turkey to enjoy a beautiful dinner. Tomorrow we go to Sardis and Philadelphia  and fly to Istanbul. Here are a few pics from today.

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