Sunday, September 9, 2012

Acropolis, Parthenon, Mars Hill and Temple of Poseidon

Today was quite a day! Walking up THE acropolis, which in Greek means a high hill or secure place, to the Parthenon was spectacular. To think about the centuries of world history congregated in one place was almost too much to comprehend.

Melissa Maher, Lisa Walker, Grace Olander, (back row) John Lee, Cherise Mousa, Gary Olander, Andrew Dyerhood and Abigail Haeckel on the Aegean Sea.
Ascending down the acropolis, we went to Mars Hill where Paul gave his famous speech to a group of Epicurean and Stoic philosophers. It is recorded in Acts 17 which is in the other post for today (Sunday, Sept 9). To think of the back drop for Paul's speech (temple to Athena, Nike and the Parthenon) it is even more powerful when Paul says...this unknown god you speak of...let me tell you who that is. Jesus Christ in whom we live and move and have our being. Jim reminded us all that though we cannot always sense God, we are all literally swimming in and surrounded by God!

Late in the day, we drove the coast towards Sounion where the ancient temple to Poseidon still stands. Lord Byron even signed it...indicating it has been a tourist destination for centuries.

I wasn't able to take photos of the morning (left the iPad n the bus!), but here are some shots from this afternoon. Tonight we have dinner out and will enjoy Greek dancing!

Frank Richey, Chuck and Robin Manes, Estelle Tees and Joan Davidson at Temple of Poseidon.

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